CARU’s duurzame ambitie

CARU’s Sustainability Ambition

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At CARU we think it is important to organize our business activities sustainably with a view to the future. Our ambition is to emit 50% less CO2 in 2024 compared to our base year 2019. We aim to reduce Scope 1 emissions to 1% by building a CO2 neutral office building and by using the electric empty handler. We want to limit our Scope 2 emissions as much as possible by motivating colleagues to charge their cars at the office because of the green energy.

CARU Impact report 2023.1

Sustainability Report

CARU’s sustainability strategy is based on Analyzing, Reducing & Compensating our CO2 emissions. As transparency is a key condition in becoming sustainable, you can find the analysis of our footprint in ton CO2 per company section below.

In order to reduce this footprint and achieve our 2030 goal, we have set the following CO2 reduction targets for 2022:

  • We aim to reduce deposit emissions by 30% compared to 2019 levels.

  • Our goal is to reduce the ratio of liters of diesel to port in/out operations by 25% compared to 2019.

  • We aim to structurally replace at least 10% of the depot emissions generated in 2019 with zero-emission solutions, such as the use of electrical handling equipment.

  • We aim for a 30% reduction in emissions from internal transport compared to emissions from internal transport in 2019.

  • By the end of 2022, we aim to implement solutions that will allow us to structurally reduce 10% of all road transport emissions compared to 2019, by promoting the use of electric freight transport from 2023.

  • We want to reduce emissions from empty shipping of containers by 25% compared to 2019 levels.

  • Our goal is to reduce flight emissions by 30% compared to 2019 levels by the end of 2022.

Another reduction effort launched in the past year was to create a self-sustaining system at our Rotterdam depot. Through putting 238 solar panels on our warehouse, we annually generate 80.000 kWh to be directly stored in our battery and later on used by our electric cars. When converting this, we can drive 400.000 km with this generated energy, which is equivalent to about 10 times around the earth. The electrification of our operations is fundamental in achieving our ambition and therefore this is something in which we really want to invest. In the video below, one can view this project at our Rotterdam depot.

We believe that it is important to continuously check and update our emissions. Therefore all our efforts and our dashboard where we calculate our emissions are reviewed by an independent auditor. For more information on this, visit our company page at

Sustainability initiatives

New container production

The production of steel for creating new containers emits very large amounts of CO2. CARU is part of the shipping & transport supply chain, an industry responsible for 3% of the world’s total CO2 emissions. As CARU believes it is important to also analyze and reduce emissions in our supply chain, we started an initiative to assess whether the production of new containers can be made more sustainable. Through industry collaboration we hope to really make an impact here.

Waste management

CARU also joined the In2Waste initiative from A&M Recycling to contribute to better environmental insights and better management of our waste streams. With this, we strive to make maximum use of the circular economy for optimal recycling of residual materials.

Team Sustainability